Hi you,

Here we are - in the blink of an eye, nine whole months have flown by since we first met. First and foremost, I would like to wish you the happiest of all the happy birthdays. As much happiness as you have brought into my life, if not even more. They say age 34 is on average the best year in most people's lives, so wishing that to be true, and each year hereafter to be the new happiest year in life for you.

In these last nine months, I have watched you accomplish so, so much. On a personal level, on a professional level, and even on an emotional level. I don't tell you enough, because words don't do justice on how impressed and proud I feel of all you've accomplished and the incredible person you've come to be.

There isn't enough words to reflect just how inspired I am by your tenacity, your patience, and the openness to question even your own beliefs. You bring a certain warmth to my soul that only you can give, and I could say a million "thank you"s, and that still wouldn't be nearly enough.

Over time, I've come to realize that a strong relationship is made up on a million little things over the course of its life. Every cup of coffee you make, each time you make me laugh, all the "how are you today"s - none of that is ever innocuous in my eyes. While chasing after the melodramatic and grandiose gestures certainly has its appeal, what is far more interesting to me is going after the potential of what you and I could be, and what we can build together through these million little lego blocks.

They say that if a ship is sailing just one slight degree off from where it ultimately going, by the time it gets to where its supposed to be, it has already sailed way off from its destination. With that in mind, you have my word that I will give my all to make sure our connection stays on course and make sure it stays on path, whatever the path may be.

Ending this with a memory I've held very close to heart for some time now. A memory which you may not have the slightest recollection:

One evening many months ago, I stopped by your place after you came home drunk from a dinner. We were hanging out in your room, with Casey - just a normal evening of spending some time together.

Suddenly, out of the blue, you looked over at Casey with the softest intent. Looked her square in the eyes and blurted "I love you Casey, thank you for all your love". She looked back at you, happy and sweet as can be. As if she already knew.

You proceeded to lay down for a few drunken minutes. Suddenly, out of the blue, you reached over and held my face in both your hands. Looked me square in the eyes and blurted "Thank you for all your love." I looked back at you, quiet for a few seconds, and responded "Anytime hun".

I guess at that moment, you already knew.

Love you to mars and back, my sexy girl.
